The X39 Light Technology Patch
Activate YOUR light to naturally regenerate your mind & body.
The Power of X39
Experience a new level of vitality with endless improvement to your overall health in areas including your energy, mental clarity, sleep, reduced inflammation and reduction in the appearance of lines and wrinkles
Experience the Benefits of X39

Clarity & Memory

Rapid Pain
Relief and



Energy and

From Exercise
BEFORE & AFTER using the X39 Patches

How To Wear X39
Wear the patch ON for 12 hours.
After 12 hours take the patch OFF.
Your body will repair and rejuvenate for the following 12 hours.
Apply a new patch and repeat the cycle for ongoing benefits.
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to enhance the patch’s effects. Â

The Holy Grail of Anti-Aging
GHK – Cu (Copper Peptides)
The human peptide GHK (glycyl-l-histidyl-l-lysine) has multiple biological actions, all of which, according to our current knowledge, appear to be health positive.
GHK-Cu / Copper Peptides
- stimulate blood vessel and nerve outgrowth
- increases collagen and elastin
- supports the function of dermal fibroblasts for wound healing.
GHK-Cu’s ability to improve tissue repair has been demonstrated for skin, lung connective tissue, boney tissue, liver, and stomach lining.Â
It has also been found to possess powerful cell protective actions, such as multiple anti-cancer activities and anti-inflammatory actions, lung protection and restoration of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) fibroblasts, suppression of molecules thought to accelerate the diseases of aging such as NFkB, anti-anxiety, anti-pain and anti-aggression activities, DNA repair, and activation of cell cleansing via the proteasome system.

A true breakthrough
X39’s patented wellness technology elevates the flow of your body's innate energy, fostering overall wellness and an active lifestyle.
Meet the Inventor/CEO David Schmidt
LifeWave was founded in 2004 by entrepreneur and inventor David Schmidt.
Prior to 2004, David was developing power generation systems and rocket engines.
While working with the US Navy on next generation mini-subs, David was asked to create a new technology to keep the troops up at night without the use of stimulants.
David began developing light technology, a new method for improving our body’s energy flow by activating your own body’s light.Â
In 2008, David began his research at the National University of Ireland in the field of enhancing stem cell function in animals and humans.
As a result, over 80 global patents were issued on his medical devices.
David also investigated how wavelengths of light can improve certain peptides in the body, specifically GHK-Cu and AHK-Cu, and how these peptides improve healing and stem cell function.
By 2018 after 10 years and $4.5million in development, David Schmidt and Lifewave had patented and introduced – the X39 Light Technology Patch!

Ready to get started with X39?
Book a obligation free short call to discover how you can B​UY TWO GET ONE FREEÂ
Or message us and we'll be in touch to help you get started.
Love Mary & Gary
PS Be sure to let us know if you prefer us to contact you via PHONE or EMAIL and we'll be in touch very soon! 🌟
All Customer pricing comes with a 90-day Money Back Guarantee!
Wholesale Distributor pricing comes with a 30-day Money Back Guarantee!
Disclaimer: Our patches are based on the theory of phototherapy. The patches are not proven based on conventional medicine standards and should not be used in place of medical care. The statements on LifeWave products, websites or associated materials have not been evaluated by any regulatory authority and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. The content presented is in summary form, is general in nature and provided for informational purposes only. Do not disregard any medical advice you have received or delay in seeking because of something you have read on our websites or associated materials. Please consult your own physician or appropriate health care provider with respect to your own symptoms or medical conditions as these diseases commonly present with variable signs and symptoms. Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet or fitness program. We assume no liability or responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property arising from any use of any product, information, ideas or instruction contained in the materials provided to you. We reserve the right to change or discontinue at any time any aspect or feature contained in our information.This page is based on the Quantum Team page layout & used with permission